advertising photography

Advertising photography Rzeszów

First impressions are very important in everyday life. It is no different in the case of presenting a product or service with photos. Photos can encourage or discourage further interaction, so it’s obvious that the right presentation of the product is the key to success. So how to achieve this effect? advertising photography, which is becoming more and more popular, will certainly help here.

Advertising images

Advertising photography is nothing more than photos that present and promote our products or services in an attractive way. The purpose of advertising photography is to sell the product to the end recipient, influence his involvement or arouse interest in a given advertising campaign. Therefore, a professional approach to the subject will definitely have a big impact on business.

Advertising photography is nothing more than a photo taken with the purpose of selling a product. Presenting the product in the most favorable and encouraging way possible. On a daily basis, our studio takes a lot of advertising and product photos, which is particularly strongly related to the large number of emerging online stores of various industries. We take advertising photos of products, including art for children, for shoe stores, furniture stores, gardening wholesalers, electronics and household appliances stores, clothing, automotive, cosmetics and perfume stores, drugstores, bookstores, supplements, DIY wholesalers and markets, art. food.

Photo Packshot

We do simple:

  • packshot advertising photos that show a specific product with the correct shadow lighting on a uniform background with a reflection or reflection effect,
  • shadowless photos, which show the product on a white background without shadow or lighting effects,
  • creative photos with a good product presentation idea,
  • photos for catalogs,
  • photos for websites, e-commerce,
  • 360 photos with video animation presenting the product from every possible side (360 or 180 degree animation can be used).

Types of advertising photography

There are several types of advertising photography. The most popular are:

  • photo product,
  • image (business photography),
  • interior photography – for websites, portals, magazines for hotels, medical and dental clinics, restaurants, eateries, bars, clubs, pubs, gyms, fitness clubs,
  • culinary photography – for the needs of menus, advertising leaflets, catalogues, social media and websites, including online stores.

Product photography advertises the product. Its purpose is to present its advantages, usefulness or purpose. It is most often used to present the assortment of a given store. Precision and focus on the product’s qualities are important here. In turn, image photography focuses on the image we want to show – a person, a brand, a company. With its help, the principal wants to present information about himself to the recipient in an appropriate way, e.g. as a suitable candidate for a position or as a friendly working environment. Whereas interior photography – as the name suggests – focuses on interiors. Its task is to present the interior in a way that encourages staying in it, buying or renting it. It is most often used by restaurants, hotels or furniture showrooms.

Advertising photography and marketing

Advertising photography is gaining more and more attention and is appreciated as an important element of marketing strategies. It is its coherent element and a great complement. Nothing: Dsince we are currently bombarded with visual messages – and here it is important that our product stands out and is of interest to the recipient. It is not often thanks to the photo that the customer decides whether to choose a given service or product. Of great importance is also the fact that it is easier for a person to assimilate information provided in graphic form. To sum up, advertising photography is a great tool for business promotion. It is definitely worth considering using this form of business support, especially in these times, focused on the reception of visual content. Art-compliant visualization made by a good advertising photographer plays one of the most important roles in business.

If you are interested in professional image session, product or interior photography,
then feel free to contact us.